Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Prevalence Effect Of Personality Disorder â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Prevalence Effect Of Personality Disorder? Answer: Introducation The following assignment is a brief study of psychological disorders in Canadians. It will focus on a newspaper article relating personality disorder and its connection to the chapter named Personality Disorders in the fifth edition of Abnormal Psychology, An Integrative Approach. A critical discussion is here regarding how the article confirms or contradicts the identified section of the text and how this makes people understand some aspects of mental disorders. The further issues and the weakness of the article are also mentioned in the study. The assignment will conclude by reflective thoughts demonstrating thoughtfulness and insightfulness. The case of Leslie Black in attacking a woman named Marlene Bird, and setting her in fire is a rare example of mental disorder (, 2017). The incident happened in an alley of Prince Albert, Sask in June, 2014.Black was arrested for his involvement in the beating, burning and sexual assault of Marlene Bird. Bird lost her two legs and much of her eyesight due to the accident. Leslie black was arrested and sent for psychiatric treatment. It is told that he is suffering from anti-social personality disorder and he needs a long-term therapy. The condition of Black has its root in the chapter 12 of the book, Abnormal Psychology, An Integrative Approach. In the section named Antisocial Personality Disorder (pp 443), it is mentioned that the people suffering from such disorder are puzzling ones. They lack conscience and empathy in them and do what they want by disregarding social norms. They do not feel regret as they present themselves in an aggressive manner. They can lie and cheat as well. People from antisocial personality disorder background may indulge in crime often that is harmful. This disorder starts developing in childhood and is clearly visible in adulthood (Tyrer, Reed Crawford, 2015). It is reported by the psychiatrists after investigating Leslie Black that he has done the crime out of personality disorder. He was a witness to his mothers murder that happened on his ninth birthday. It creates a sense of post-traumatic disorder that is deep rooted in his mind since childhood. His behaviors towards Bird is brutal (, 2017). He claimed that he did not set Bird on fire though Bird and her lawyer are against this statement. Sometimes it comes to the media that Black had made an apology that may prove his guilty. The article reflects on many aspects of mental disorders. People became aware of such diseases. They are feared after knowing the brutality. Implication of mental health care is needed in this respect. 40.5% patients have received the treatment over the world (Corrigan, Druss Perlick, 2014). There is argument regarding the mental state of Black. Court needs time to decide whether Black is a dangerous offender or not. In order to avoid further is sues, Police needs to investigate the background of both of them to come to the right conclusion. In a state of antisocial personality disorder, the patient has no sense of regret, as stated above. There is a mention of apology by Black that arises questions regarding the authentic value of the article (, 2017). It can be said in the conclusion that one can learn some crucial things from the article. The most surprising part is that the court has taken long time to come to a conclusion. Antisocial personality disorder is a term that may not be known to all. The case gives light on this aspect and people become aware of such incidents. This case study is a perfect example of how media works in the society and how it affects the health issues of a country. References Corrigan, P. W., Druss, B. G., Perlick, D. A. (2014). The impact of mental illness stigma on seeking and participating in mental health care.Psychological Science in the Public Interest,15(2), 37-70. (2017).Judge reserves dangerous offender decision on Leslie Black in Marlene Bird case.Global News. Retrieved 18 September 2017, from (2017).Judge reserves dangerous offender decision on Leslie Black in Marlene Bird case.National Post. Retrieved 18 September 2017, from (2017).Saskatchewan man who attacked woman, set her on fire wont be declared a dangerous offender, judge rules | Toronto Retrieved 18 September 2017, from Tyrer, P., Reed, G. M., Crawford, M. J. (2015). Classification, assessment, prevalence, and effect of personality disorder.The Lancet,385(9969), 717-726.

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