Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gender Inequality Of Men And Women - 1324 Words

Gender is one of many reasons why people in this world speak differently and some do believe that it has a great influence over the way in which men and women speak. Gender ties into many other aspects of why we speak differently such as occupation, class and power. These are just a few reasons why men and women speak differently. However many linguists now believe that gender doesn’t play that big of a role In the way we speak because both men and women have grown socially to be accepted in most shapes and forms. In 1975, Zimmerman and West published a theory describing how men always wanted to be dominant in a conversation. There findings were backed up by data however this data could now be invalid because of the minuscule amount of†¦show more content†¦However he also looked at the amount of women who interrupted as well and found that both men and women interrupted at an equal rate (Men interrupting 34.1 times and women 33.8 times). This would suggest that gender doesn’t have a huge play in why men and women interrupt in a conversation it comes down to other factors. I agree strongly with this and believe that men and women are equal when wanting power in a conversation. In the 21st centaury I think that the dominance model is outdated and it has no place in society any more. Around the same time of the dominance model, the deficit model was produced by Robin Lakoff. This theory suggests that women has no power in conservations and more prone to speak in a certain way. One of the choices of speech Lakoff suggested women use is over use of tag questions and hedging, she said that they did this because they needed agreement before they did something. Layoff’s theory suggests that women are more likely to use a different range of language use because they have less power in society. In 1975, this theory could have been in date and could have suggested why women speak the way they do, however women have grown in society to speak almost as a man would because of the stride in equality. This would

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